Saturday, October 18, 2008

International Friendship Day Warms Fairbanks

As the days draw shorter and we see less sun up here near the Arctic Circle in Fairbanks, the 22nd International Friendship Day celebration brings warmth, friendship, and celebration to brighten our dwindling days. Check out some pictures from the event.

Contact Rosalind Kan if you'd like to be a part of International Friendship Day 2009.

Contributions to Equity

University Women's Association (UWA) President Kayt Sunwood (right) presents a check for $1,000 to the Bunnell House Early Childhood Lab School at the University of Alaska Fairbanks in the Fall of 2008. Bunnell House Director Paige VonderHaar and an interested Lab School attendee check out the check. UWA increased its donation to Bunnell House this year knowing that a contribution to Bunnell House is a contribution to equity, now and in the future.

University Women's Association (UWA) celebrates 1950s

The University Women's Association celebrated the 1950s at Fall Tea for members old and new, welcoming all who are interested in the UWA. Patty Hamilton hosted this 1950s themed membership event on Sunday, September 14, at her home (the University of Alaska President's Residence).

Members sported poodle skirts, saddle shoes and reminised about the 1950s. Many members brought something from the 50s, and shared stories from their lives, the lives of their parents or even grandparents.

Bobbie Rice regaled us with humorous stories of
1950s UAF and showed us this Mile Post magazine from her family's trip up to Fairbanks on the Alcan Highway during the 1950s.